
I have recently learned that we can learn so much from our environment. We can learn so much from the animals around us, plants, the elements and of course from each other.

The sun and the moon for instance have always been in existence, even before humans were created. In some cultures the two are considered arch rivals, ying and yang, day and night… Good and evil. But when the two meet after every 410 years a beautiful phenomenon is observed.

This alone is reason enough to believe that the two are long lost friends waiting to reunite. And when they do the world stands still to busk in the beauty of a total solar eclipse.

Coincidentally the two are awesome sources of motivation, take for instance the sun, no mater how many times the sun goes down it keeps rising… Some of us have faced so many downs in life that we forget how to rise up, most of us glide through our lowest points and rise up renewed.

Think of the happiness you get on a warm sunny morning, that is exactly the same happiness you will have when you rise up from this worlds sorrows, discriminations and pains.

The moon has taught me that its okay to go through phases, we always want to be full but sometimes we fail which is fine, its just a phase. And once we become full we should always brace ourselves for change. The fact that the moon takes 30 days to complete a cycle also shows that the journey through change is gradual, patient and well thought out.

One day when you rise from your lowest point remember to let go of the old phase and embrace the new phase of life. Stand tall, walk proud and stand out just like an eclipse, so that everyone sees Gods hand in your life.


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