Utapigwa mawe mti wa matunda

fruitsWhen your life starts bearing fruits remember that everyone will want a piece, some will wait for the fruits to drop so that they can pick them, some will climb up and pluck the fruits while others will throw stones that will hurt you just to get a fruit.

If what you are thinking now is “OMG! Friends are evil always eating my fruits” you should read all my post simply because we have a lot of catching up to do and you need to know me more. You see trees never complain nor give up.

When I was 10 mangoes were my favorite fruit (till I discovered avocado which can be a fruit, a vegetable, a margarine, a body oil etc) the trees were not tall so I could easily climb and steal every season. One day I was so greedy that I decided to eat a mango while at the top of the tree, this did not end well. I fell and fortunately, the brunches broke my fall and I survived with minor scratches and bruzes.

Trees may not have brains or emotions like us, but we can learn a lot from them, even when we chop them down to make exam papers (here is where we chant “No exams! Save the trees!”) They still absorb as much as 23 kilograms of carbon dioxide in a year, which over its lifetime is approximately the same amount as an average car produce after being driven for 41,500 kilometers. The same tree could also produce 2,700 kilograms of oxygen in a year, which is enough to support at least two people (yes I goggled, I’m not a geek)

Trees are probably the most abused commodity in the world yet they give back loads of benefits ie, Shade, Rain, Fuel and even homes. No matter how harsh the environment may be the tree soldiers on and is the last living thing to die.

Good thing about the life of a tree is that once in a while someone will water it, prune it, weed it and even give it some fertilizer so that the fruits become better.

Most of the time we concentrate on the people who want to eat our fruits and forget about those who helped us bear fruits. Happiness can only come if we bless those who help us as much as we curse those who hinder us

Inspired by an old Swahili proverb: Utapigwa mawe mti wa matunda 

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